(Japanese) コージェントラボ、高精度のAI OCR「SmartRead」において 業界最安水準(※3)の新価格体系を発表
2025.03.28 - PRESS
(Japanese) SmartRead、「BOXIL SaaS AWARD 2025」BOXILセクションAI-OCR部門1位に選出
2025.03.04 - PRESS
(Japanese) コージェントラボ、 業界最大級のオンライン展示会「ITトレンドEXPO2025 Spring」に出展
2024.12.19 - PRESS
(Japanese) コージェントラボ、次世代AI OCR「SmartRead」に非定型文書に含まれる表の抽出機能を追加
2024.12.10 - PRESS
(Japanese) SmartRead、「BOXIL SaaS AWARD Winter 2024」AI-OCR部門にて「Good Service」を受賞
2024.12.09 - PRESS
(Japanese) コージェントラボの提供する「SmartRead」が「AIsmiley AI PRODUCTS AWARD 2024 AUTUMN」をAI-OCR部門で受賞しました
2024.10.07 - PRESS
(Japanese) コージェントラボ、次世代AI OCR「SmartRead」に 建設・ビルメンテナンス業界向けソリューションパックとして 「工事・作業見積書」の自動読み取り機能を追加
2024.10.01 - PRESS
(Japanese) コージェントラボ、次世代AI OCR「SmartRead」に 金融業界向けソリューションパックとして「口座振替依頼書」の自動読み取り機能を追加
2024.09.12 - PRESS
(Japanese) コージェントラボ、独自生成AIであらゆる業種の非定型文書の読み取りを可能に~異なる書式の文書(請求書や診療明細書等)のデータ化を実現~
2024.05.21 - PRESS
(Japanese) コージェントラボ、次世代AI OCR「Smart Read」にて、 経産省の働き方改革支援補助金2024事業者として採択されました~ 支援補助金により、すべての学校で令和7年3月31日まで「無料」利用が可能~
2024.05.08 - PRESS
(Japanese) コージェントラボ、NTTファイナンスからの出資を受け、AIを活用したDXビジネスの加速と大規模言語モデルを内包した自然言語処理AIのビジネス化を推進
2023.10.03 - PRESS
(JP Only) transcosmos forms capital and business alliance with Cogent Labs, developer and provider of cutting-edge AI technology, to expand BPO x DX Services
2023.05.15 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Releases Automatic Invoice Reading Feature of Next-Generation AI OCR “SmartRead”
2023.03.22 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs releases a verification and correction function that reduces data conversion time by 90% in its next-generation AI OCR “SmartRead”
2022.12.22 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs offers a tool that integrates AI OCR “SmartRead” with RPA “WinActor®” to promote automation of document processing
2022.10.11 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Launches SmartRead On-Premises, Next-Generation AI OCR to Promote Document Digitization in a Secure Environment
2022.09.07 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs has enhanced reading accuracy of fax documents in next-generation AI OCR “SmartRead”
2022.08.09 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs launched an integration tool between SmartRead and RPA platform provided by UiPath
2022.06.29 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs has enhances IDP service SmartRead, which supports for recognizing payroll reports
2022.06.14 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs has enhanced IDP service SmartRead, which supports for recognizing bankbooks
2022.05.25 - PRESS
Cogent Labs selected for the government project “Visionary Management 2021”
2022.03.03 - PRESS
Cogent Labs Forms Technology Partnership with Major South Korean ICT Company POSCO ICT to Accelerate Global Roll-out of its SmartRead IDP Service
2022.02.01 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Launches SmartRead, an IDP Service Uses Cutting Edge AI to Automate Document Processing
2021.10.26 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs and Ryobi Systems to Provide a DX Solution for COVID-19 Vaccination Management Operations Using AI OCR Service “Tegaki”
2021.07.06 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Begins to Integrate Power Automate Desktop, an RPA Tool for Windows 10, with Tegaki, an AI OCR Service
2021.06.01 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Releases “Tegaki Appliance”, AI OCR Engine for Pre-Installed On-Premises Devise
2021.04.20 - PRESS
Cogent Labs Named to the 2021 CB Insights AI 100 List of Most Innovative Artificial Intelligence Startups
2021.04.08 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Launches 360,000JPY per year Starter Plan for its AI OCR Service “Tegaki”
2021.04.06 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs and UiPath Support Operations Automation in NPO After School ~Improving Japanese Education Environment by Helping Non-Profit Organizations Automate Their Operations~
2021.03.18 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs and Automation Anywhere Launch Integrated AI Solution to Automate Business Processes, Including Handwritten Documents
2021.01.14 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Releases Beta Version of “Kaidoku SmartFind” an AI-Based Enterprise Document Insight Search Service
2020.09.24 - PRESS
Cogent Labs Announces Appointment of Kazuyuki Arata as Advisor
2020.08.03 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Starts Accepting Orders for AI OCR Service “Tegaki” On-Premise Version from July 30th.
2020.07.30 - PRESS
Cogent Labs Completes Series C Funding Round with Total of 2.18 Billion JPY
2020.05.26 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs AI OCR “Tegaki” is Confirmed to Fully Support Automatic Digitization of Applications for “Special Supplementary Income Payment” as part of Emergency Economic Measures to cope with COVID-19. 〜Starting from April 30 at Local Governments〜
2020.04.30 - PRESS
Cogent Labs Raises 1.4 Billion JPY From Domestic & Foreign Investors in Series C Round
2020.03.31 - PRESS
Asahi Group Holdings & Cogent Labs Jointly Develop “AI Creator System,” the World’s First Package Design Generator. Product Package Design Generation Trials Start April 2020
2020.03.09 - PRESS
(JP Only)Ibaraki Prefectural Government Adopts the World Highest Levels of Accuracy AI OCR Service “Tegaki” for Processing Forms and Registration with UiPath’s RPA Platform
2020.02.27 - PRESS
(JP Only) “Future Classroom” Technology Embraced ahead of new 2020 National Curriculum Guideline. High School, University, and Vocational School Operator Sanko Gakuen, Adopts AI OCR Digitization Solution “Tegaki”
2020.01.30 - PRESS
(JP Only) Izumi Holdings First Major Food Wholesaler to Adopt AI OCR “Tegaki” for Inventory Management System.
2019.12.04 - PRESS
(JP Only) Generating Operational Efficiency for Regional Banks Facing Changing Business Environments – Sendai Bank Reduces Employee Workload by 30% by Adopting AI OCR Digitization Solution “Tegaki”
2019.11.15 - PRESS
(JP Only) AI OCR Service “Tegaki” Add-on Function “Tegaki Connector for Salesforce”, Commenced from 9/26
2019.09.26 - PRESS
(JP Only)Handwritten Character AI OCR Solution succeeded in optimizing the business workflow ~YokohamaBank adopted Tegaki~
2019.09.02 - PRESS
(JP Only) Japanese Handwritten Characters AI OCR Service “Tegaki” Reborn With The World Highest Levels of Accuracy, Commenced From 7/30
2019.07.30 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs and JB Advanced Technology Form Partner Alliance to Advance Digital Transformation of Corporate Paper Based Processes
2019.07.01 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs and Automation Anywhere Form Technical Alliance to Leverage AI Technology to Advance the Digital Workforce
2019.06.13 - PRESS
Cogent Labs Completes Series B Fundraising Round With Additional Investments by Samsung Venture Investment and Other Foreign Investors Raising Round Total to 1.2 Billion JPY
2019.05.23 - PRESS
Cogent Labs Recognized as Member of Intel® AI Builders Program
2019.02.07 - PRESS
Cogent Labs Announces Appointment of Minoru Hoshina as Chief Revenue Officer
2019.02.06 - PRESS
Cogent Labs Carries Out Series B Investment Round With Primarily Strategic Investments by Japanese and Foreign Companies
2019.01.30 - PRESS
Cogent Labs and University College London Partner in Long-term Joint Research Initiative
2018.10.30 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Integrates Tegaki and KIP Cloud “Cloud PARK”
2018.10.01 - PRESS
Cogent Labs Launches Solution based on Intel’s Open VINO™ Toolkit
2018.09.26 - PRESS
RPA Technologies and Cogent Labs have Formed Strategic Alliance in RPA × AI OCR Field Basic Robo! Integrates with Tegaki on BizRobo! DX Cloud Available from September 6 (Thursday), 2018
2018.09.06 - PRESS
(JP Only) Development Continuing After Nomura Voyager Accelerator Program
2018.07.13 - PRESS
Cogent Labs Certified as J-Startup Company Lead by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
2018.06.26 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Announces Opening New R&D Office
2018.06.13 - PRESS
Test Marketing to Start for Solution Integrating Sony’s Digital Paper & Cogent Labs’ Tegaki Service
2018.05.07 - PRESS
(JP Only) Saison Information Systems Initiates Use of Tegaki
2018.03.26 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Selected for Nomura Accelerator Program “Voyager”
2018.03.16 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Receives ISMS & Cloud Security Certification
2018.03.15 - PRESS
SoftBank and Cogent Labs Enter into Business Partnership in the Field of RPA×AI
2018.01.29 - PRESS
(JP Only) Introducing Kaidoku – The Groundbreaking AI-Based Natural Language Understanding Engine
2017.11.15 - PRESS
Real-Time Stock Trading Volume Prediction Model Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Developed with Daiwa Securities
2017.11.02 - PRESS
(JP Only) Started “Handwriting AI OCR Solution” in Collaboration with Startup (Joint press release with Canon Marketing Japan)
2017.10.25 - PRESS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Commences “Tegaki”, an AI Service Utilizing Deep Learning Technology Which Digitizes Handwritten Characters With High Levels of Accuracy
2017.08.23 - PRESS
(JP Only) SBI Sumishin Net Bank Signs Agreement to Commence Use of Artificial Intelligence “Tegaki” API Service Developed by Cogent Labs
2017.04.17 - PRESS
Samsung Electronics Min Song to Assume Position of Board Member and Director of Technology at Cogent Labs
2017.04.06 - PRESS
RIKEN Brain Science Institute’s Shun-ichi Amari to assume position of Research Advisor
2017.03.17 - PRESS
Cogent Labs raises JPY 1.3 billion in Series A investment round led by SBI Investment and TOPPAN FORMS
2017.02.28 - PRESS
(Japanese) 「社長名鑑」掲載のお知らせ
2025.03.04 - TOPICS
(Japanese) 「経済界」掲載のお知らせ
2025.02.26 - TOPICS
(Japanese) 【2025年3月31日迄】決算セールのお知らせ
2025.02.18 - TOPICS
(Japanese) 【AI-OCR導入事例】人材派遣・紹介事業:株式会社エントリー様
2025.02.12 - TOPICS
(Japanese) 「創業手帳」掲載のお知らせ
2025.01.27 - TOPICS
(Japanese) SmartRead API V4に確信度情報と、読み取り項目画像の出力機能を追加いたしました
2025.01.21 - TOPICS
(Japanese) SmartReadに辞書照合機能・候補表示機能を追加いたしました
2024.12.10 - TOPICS
(Japanese) 「Forbes JAPAN」2025年1月号掲載のお知らせ
2024.11.25 - TOPICS
(Japanese) SmartReadと連携可能な自動文書読み取りプログラム「SmartRead AutoLoader」を2024年11月12日(火)より提供開始いたします。
2024.11.12 - TOPICS
(Japanese) 「月刊 自動認識」2024年10月号掲載のお知らせ
2024.10.10 - TOPICS
(Japanese) 【AI-OCR導入事例】学校販売店のDX推進:株式会社Cotona様
2024.09.24 - TOPICS
(Japanese) 【AI-OCR導入事例】クレジットカード事業:ニッセン・クレジットサービス株式会社様
2024.08.30 - TOPICS
(Japanese) 【AI-OCR導入事例】複合フィルムメーカー:クリロン化成株式会社様
2024.08.28 - TOPICS
(Japanese) 【イベントのお知らせ】9月18日~20日『ITトレンド EXPO 2024 Summer』に出展します
2024.08.27 - TOPICS
(Japanese) 【AI-OCR導入事例】蛇口一体型の浄水器:株式会社タカギ様
2024.08.27 - TOPICS
(Japanese) 【AI-OCR導入事例】人材マッチングサービス:株式会社タイミー様
2024.06.26 - TOPICS
(Japanese) SmartRead On-Premises インストールサービスの提供を開始いたしました
2024.03.28 - TOPICS
(Japanese) 【セミナーのお知らせ】1月10日開催 最適なAI OCRはどれ?〜AI OCRサービス選定の5つのポイント
2024.01.09 - TOPICS
(Japanese) 【最終受付】12月13日開催 導入事例に学ぶ「AI OCR 120%活用法」セミナー
2023.12.07 - TOPICS
(Japanese) 【10月25日開催】効率的な業務自動化を実演!AI OCRとRPAのパワフルコンビネーション
2023.10.18 - TOPICS
(Japanese) 【本日開催】定義レスで「請求書」が読める!その全貌を大公開|新機能紹介セミナー
2023.10.12 - TOPICS
(Japanese) 適格請求書発行事業者登録番号のお知らせ
2023.09.21 - TOPICS
(Japanese) 【9月20〜21日】『BOXIL EXPO 財務・経理展 2023 秋』(主催:スマートキャンプ株式会社)に出展します
2023.09.06 - TOPICS
(Japanese) DX雑誌「AI-OCR 特集号」~電子帳簿保存法対応でお悩みの企業必見!最新の活用事例を紹介~にコージェントラボを取り上げていただきました
2023.08.17 - TOPICS
(Japanese) 【Case Study】次世代AI OCR「SmartRead」を導入いただきました岡谷酸素株式会社様の事例を公開いたしました
2023.08.01 - TOPICS
(JP Only) SmartRead auto-execution is now available as a standard feature in SBI AntWorks Asia’s ‘QueenBOT RPA’
2023.04.03 - TOPICS
(JP Only) The iPaaS “BizteX Connect” and “SmartRead” integration module was jointly developed by TIS and BizteX
2023.03.24 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs was featured in DX magazine.
2023.01.27 - TOPICS
Notice of Privacy Policy Revision
2022.11.16 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Keynote speaker at AI & Big Data Congress 2022
2022.10.26 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs will have an online seminar at UiPath FORWARD 5 on November 11.
2022.10.10 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs will have an online seminar at WinActor Lounge 2022 on October 13-14th.
2022.09.23 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs will run a booth at Accounting Expo 2022 on October 13-14th.
2022.09.16 - TOPICS
(JP Only) AI OCR webinar with Konica Minolta for improving efficiency of fax operations on Sep. 8th
2022.08.24 - TOPICS
(JP Only) TIS Offers Function Development Menu to Make “SmartRead” More Adaptable to Customers’ Business Need
2022.08.16 - TOPICS
(JP Only) DX & AI OCR webinar with AIRU for manufacturers & wholesalers on Sep. 7th
2022.08.10 - TOPICS
(JP Only) SmartRead was featured on Zeikai-Times
2022.08.02 - TOPICS
(JP Only) IT media featured a case study of Suzuhiro Kamaboko
2022.07.13 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs will join the webinar event “Online Event Relay 2022 Summer” produced by RPA Souken.
2022.06.23 - TOPICS
(JP Only) DX & AI OCR webinar with TIS for manufactures on June 30th
2022.06.22 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs will open the joint seminar for Accounting firms with Asahi Accounting Robot on June 15th.
2022.05.25 - TOPICS
Cogent Labs Signs Technology Partner Agreement with SBI AntWorks Asia, Provider of Integrated Automation Platform
2022.04.26 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs was Featured on TIS Inc.
2022.04.01 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs was Featured on WEEKLY BCN
2022.01.13 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs begins a SmartRead free template design service campaign.
2021.12.13 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs was Featured on NIKKEI BUSINESS DAILY
2021.12.06 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs is Selected in “Next Unicorn Survey” by Nikkei
2021.12.06 - TOPICS
(JP Only) SB C&S Corp. Starts Offering Cogent Labs’ IDP Service “SmartRead” as an Official Sales Partner
2021.11.05 - TOPICS
Cogent Labs is Selected in “LinkedIn Top Startups” in Japan for the 3rd Year.
2021.09.29 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Will Sponsor WinActor Lounge 2021
2021.09.15 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs will Sponsor SoftBank World 2021
2021.09.14 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs was Featured on Nikkei XTrend “Acceleration of Local Government DX”
2021.09.09 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs was Featured on Nikkei
2021.09.02 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Nikkei XTECH ACTIVE featured on the integration between AI OCR service “Tegaki” and Microsoft’s RPA “Power Automate Desktop”.
2021.07.15 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Featured in THE 21 Online “Voice of the Top Management”.
2021.07.15 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs will Sponsor Online Event Held By JB Group
2021.06.04 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs will Present at the Cobotpia Lounge mini Held by NTT Data
2021.05.24 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs won Automation Anywhere’s Technology Alliance Partner Award
2021.05.07 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Announces Appointment of Shigemasa Shibata as Executive Officer
2021.04.05 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs was featured on Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun
2021.03.23 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Local Government COVID19 Vaccine rollout to be aided by Mizuho Information & Research Institute’s Tegaki AI Optical Character Recognition service.
2021.03.09 - TOPICS
(JP Only) FANCL, one of the user of AI OCR service “Tegaki” was featured on ZDNet Japan.
2021.03.08 - TOPICS
Notice of Change in Management Structure
2021.02.15 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Sponsors OCR Lab 2020.
2020.11.27 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs’ “AI Creator System” was featured on Nikkei News Paper
2020.10.26 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Kyoji Kimoto, Cogent Labs’ CFO Presents at SBI Graduate School.
2020.10.23 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Announces Appointment of Shigeru Matsuura as Director
2020.09.24 - TOPICS
Cogent Labs is Selected in “TOP STARTUPS” in Japan by LinkedIn for the 2nd Year.
2020.09.23 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Sponsors UiPath AI EXPO 2.0
2020.07.30 - TOPICS
(JP Only)Cogent Labs Holds Joint Webinar with J-Startups Empath Inc. and alt Inc.
2020.07.20 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Sponsors Intel AI Park Online
2020.07.09 - TOPICS
Announcement of Personnel Changes of Directors and Executive Officers
2020.06.30 - TOPICS
(JP) Cogent Labs was featured on Nikkei Business Daily.
2020.06.03 - TOPICS
Cogent Labs’ “AI Creator System” was featured on Nikkei News Paper.
2020.03.09 - TOPICS
Cogent Labs’ Countermeasures Against the Spread Risk of New Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection
2020.02.21 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs was featured on IT Jinzai Lab.
2020.02.14 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Sponsors DataSpider Festival 2020 Held by SAISON INFORMATION SYSTEMS.
2020.02.10 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Sponsors Digital Workforce Summit Tokyo 2020 Held by Automation Anywhere Japan.
2020.02.10 - TOPICS
(JP) Cogent Labs was featured on Nikkei Business Daily.
2020.02.07 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Form Reseller Alliance with SBI NEO FINANCIAL SERVICES Co., Ltd.
2020.01.15 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Talent Acquisition Manager, Marco Sulima and Lead Research Scientist, Tiago Ramalho were Featured in ITMedia NEWS.
2020.01.09 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Sponsors RPA DIGITAL WORLD TOKYO 2019
2019.11.27 - TOPICS
Cogent Labs was Ranked in “NEXT Unicorn Survey” by Nikkei Inc.
2019.11.11 - TOPICS
(JP Only) An Interview Article of Cogent Labs’ AI Architect, David Malkin was Released on @IT
2019.10.16 - TOPICS
Cogent Labs’ AI Architect Dr. David Malkin Presented at Japan Risk Management Technology Summit
2019.10.04 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs’ Product Manager Rieko Suzuki will Present at the “Applying Deep Learning in Business” Seminar
2019.09.26 - TOPICS
Cogent Labs CEO Eric Whiteway’s Interview with LinkedIn – “TOP 10 STARTUPS” Series
2019.09.20 - TOPICS
Company Relocation
2019.09.20 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Sponsors Salesforce World Tour Tokyo 2019
2019.09.20 - TOPICS
Cogent Labs’ AI Architect Dr. David Malkin Presented at Japan Market Seminar
2019.09.20 - TOPICS
Cogent Labs Selected in “TOP STARTUPS” in Japan by LinkedIn
2019.09.04 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Presenting at”RPA x AI Night” Held by SoftBank at WeWork.
2019.07.29 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Sponsors UiPath AI EXPO [on July 30th, 2019]
2019.07.28 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Interview article of Minoru Hoshina, Cogent Labs’ CRO with CEO of SmartDrive has been released.
2019.07.10 - TOPICS
Cogent Labs Presented at Automation Anywhere, Inc. Premium Customer Event “IMAGINE TOKYO 2019” [on June 13-14, 2019]
2019.06.18 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs was featured on Nikkei News Paper.
2019.05.31 - TOPICS
Lead Research Scientist Tiago Ramalho will Present Research Paper at ICLR(International Conference on Learning Representations) in New Orleans, US [2019.5.6-5.9]
2019.04.26 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Jun Iinuma to speak at ”AI SUM” held by Nikkei [on April 24, 2019]
2019.04.16 - TOPICS
David Malkin to speak at ”AI Talk Night” held by Ledge [on April 23, 2019]
2019.04.16 - TOPICS
(JP Only) TIS Releases Digitization Product Using Tegaki
2019.03.22 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs’ Partner Stellarlink Released New RPA Solution Integrated with “Tegaki” AI OCR
2019.02.08 - TOPICS
(JP Only)Cogent Labs Participates RPA Paperless Revolution Seminar [on January 24, 2019]
2019.01.10 - TOPICS
Cogent Labs is proud to Sponsor NeurIPS 2018 in Canada [on December 2-8, 2018]
2018.11.14 - TOPICS
(JP Only)Cogent Labs Presents at “Paperless Revolution” Seminar. [on November 28, 2018]
2018.11.01 - TOPICS
(JP Only)Cogent Labs Sponsors RPA DIGITAL WORLD Digital Robot CAMP 2018. [on November 22, 2018 ]
2018.11.01 - TOPICS
AI Architect David Malkin will Speak at BNP PARIBAS QUANT FORUM. [on November 2, 2018]
2018.10.31 - TOPICS
(JP Only) AI OCR Tegaki will be presented at Computerization Local Authorities 2018. [on October 23, 2018]
2018.10.23 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Participates in Nikkei xTECH EXPO 2018. [on October 17, 2018]
2018.10.16 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Participates Salesforce Basecamp. [on October 17, 2018]
2018.10.16 - TOPICS
(JP Only) PFU Smart Capture Service Releases New Function with “Tegaki”
2018.10.15 - TOPICS
Cogent Labs Sponsors Japan Electronic Trading Conference 2018. [on October 4, 2018]
2018.10.08 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Saison Information Systems Releases New Function “Tegaki Adapter”
2018.10.03 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs to Demonstrate Tegaki at BizRobo! LAND 2018. [on September 12, 2018]
2018.09.06 - TOPICS
(JP Only) David Cournapeau to Speak at Google Cloud Next ‘18 in Tokyo. [on September 20, 2018]
2018.08.27 - TOPICS
Max Frenzel to Speak at GTC Japan 2018. [on September 13-14, 2018]
2018.08.27 - TOPICS
Report of Our Session at The AI 2018 2nd Released
2018.08.27 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Jun Iinuma Appeared on J-WAVE FM Radio (7/24: NewsPicks Report Released)
2018.07.23 - TOPICS
David Cournapeau Spoke at Google Cloud Next 2018 in San Francisco. [on July 24-26, 2018] (8/27: Session Video Released)
2018.07.20 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Sponsors The AI 2018 2nd. [on July 26, 2018]
2018.07.19 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Notice to Product Inquiry Contact Form Users
2018.07.06 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Jun Iinuma to Speak at SoftBank World 2018. [on July 19-20, 2018]
2018.07.03 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Sponsors RPA Digital World 2018. [on July 4, 2018]
2018.06.27 - TOPICS
AI Architect David Malkin Presents, “AI-first Companies: Implementation and Impact”
2018.05.25 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Jun Iinuma Speaks at Toppan Forms Business Optimization Seminar. [on May 23, 2018]
2018.05.23 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Jun Iinuma Speaks at Asahi Shimbun DIALOG AI FORUM. [on May 20-24, 2018]
2018.05.23 - TOPICS
A Lecture Series During Spring Semester at The University of Tokyo by Dr. Tomasz M. Rutkowski
2018.04.26 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Cogent Labs Participates as Partner in Largest International Hackathon in Japan, Junction
2018.03.30 - TOPICS
(JP Only) Jun Iinuma Held Seminar at Microsoft Open Innovation Expo. [on March 26, 2018]
2018.03.28 - TOPICS
Cogent Labs is Proud to Sponsor NIPS 2017
2017.12.04 - TOPICS
Talk at RIKEN AIP by Dr. Tomasz M. Rutkowski. [on December 12, 2018]
2017.11.28 - TOPICS
(JP Only) 「認識率99.3%」より大切な、Cogent.Labsが「Tegaki」で起こす日本に必要なイノベーションとは!? – AINOW
2017.03.28 - TOPICS
(JP Only) 【デザイン裏側大公開】Googleのカンファレンスで発表された“画像の宇宙”が2週間で生まれるまで – BITA
2016.11.10 - TOPICS
(JP Only) マーケターに「生の現場データ」を提供する。reactiveがAIファーストで仕掛ける次の一手 – BITA
2016.10.04 - TOPICS
(JP Only) 認識率98.66%?!たった2ヶ月で手書き日本語のOCRを開発したノンジャパニーズに話を聞いてきた – BITA
2016.06.13 - TOPICS